Thursday, December 11, 2014

December 11, 2014

Good Morning Lord, I've come to do your will. 

 Yesterday I had to chance to  try and clear the air with a person I had become very friendly with and then it blew up in our faces about 2 months ago.  At the time of this blow up, I was deeply hurt, knowing that all the stuff that was being said to me was not coming from the person I had befriended over the past five years.  My sister pointed out that she thought this person was fighting someone elses fight - that the other person was fueling the fire and this "friend" was shooting the arrows.  I knew at that time that the Holy Spirit had spoken through my sister because it totally made sense because it was so unlike my friend to behave this way.  So yesterday I had lunch with this person and we talked (contact has been made and we have forgiven and forgotten (not really)) about what went down and I told her how I felt and that I forgave her for the things she said because I knew it wasn't her speaking, it was her fighting someone elses battle.  I don't know if she fully understood what I was saying but my parish priest and friend told me it did not matter that she doesn't see all that - it's ok.  I get it - I have been blessed with understanding in the whole fall out and know that I am not without sin to the real person whom this fight was about, but I am without sin to the friend who was fighting it.  I know God will one day enlighten her to all this, as He has enlightend me.

I just stumbled upon a blog from "are you there God, its me Jess" I think that is what it is - I'm waiting to hear back from her so I can sign up for postings in my inbox.  She said whatever you say, say it in love.  I am a straight shooter and brutally honest.  I think I must have been sidetracked when the Lord was handing out the "sugar coating" cause I don't know how to do that!!!!!   I try to speak with love and pray that God will put a guard upon my mouth and seal upon my lips so that I don't sin against Him with my tongue, I need to remember to say this everyday - cause when I do, HE DOES!! 

The words of our mouth always have consequences -  to quote Joyce Meyer, "I am not where I need to be, but, thank God I am not where I used to be!!"   

Today I ask you Lord, to help me to speak in love and let your light shine through me to all those I encounter today.  Amen.


Tuesday, December 9, 2014

nothing ventured, nothing gained!!

December 9th, 2014

Dear angryemail:

Today is the first day of the rest of my life..........I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer and have since had it removed and am now undergoing treatment.  I have been given a gift from God.  A gift that I hope to be able to explain in more detail at a later date, when He sends me the message.  He has given me the grace to get through this diagnosis but I am still praying for the grace to be able to understand and embrace the reactions of others towards me at this time.  I can only equate it to how new celebrities handle their new found fame - it is very uncomfortable and a lesson I am sure God is teaching me.  So far, I am not doing so well in this department.    Yesterday I wrote how I truly feel about all of this and posted it on Facebook, thank you Jesus for prompting me to remove it before anyone got the chance to read it!!  I was telling my daughter about this and she suggested I start an email account called!!  The light went! what a fantastic idea!  Beings I like to write and journal and share what I am experiencing during this time, I thought I would begin a new blog - not one like my last one where I do show and tell, but all the things I want to say but not on a site where anyone can get upset with what I write.  It is written to angryemail and gives the reader, if there are any, a chance to write back, kinda like an Ann Landers column. Although, I find when I actually write to God in a copy book, He seems to hear me better because I am so entrenched in what I am feeling and saying.   I also invite others to write to angryemail/"are you there God?, its me"  and share whatever is irking them at the time to help vent and get it off your chest without actually spilling the beans and having the chance to offend people.  You get to say whatever you want (please no profanity), get it said then move on.  I was going to just set up an angryemail account and have an abyss of my venting and anyone elses for that matter, never to be viewed again.  But I had been thinking of starting a new blog just to write and now I am meshing the two ideas.  I don't know if this concept will work - but I thought I would give it a try.  God is always leading me and I have tried to train myself to listen when He talks - He is never wrong or untimely in His guidance - He has recently freed me of a lifetime of anger that I did not even realize I had - He is truly an awesome God!!!  He has promised to never leave me nor forsake me and He hasn't!!!!  Maybe I'll change the name to "are you there God?, it's me" .    So please feel free to write back or vent yourself -  don't leave your name cause God knows who you are, the rest of us don't need to!!!!

