Wednesday, January 7, 2015

God sends

Good afternoon Lord!  I've come to do Your will..........
Yesterday I felt good but had to go for my "off week" check in at the doc.  Low and behold  my hemoglobin's are so low, both red and white, that I had to get an iron iv and another antibiotic to help with my white count.  My white count has me in a neutropenic state.  That means I have basically no immune system.  I need to wear a mask in front of anyone who may be sick and always if I am in a social, out of the house with the public setting.  My diet has to be cooked, canned, or processed!  Believe that?  No fresh fruits, veggies, condiments, spices, s&p, fresh flowers in the house, no soft cheeses, no cold cuts/lunch meat - no anything, it feels like.  This is the second time I am like this - I was just like this for a week during Christmas.  My husband was fantastic and made sure I had my own packaged homogenized foods, canned goods, processed foods.  He cooked and made sure I was the first to eat so it didn't have time to grow any bacteria - he is amazing and I don't share, just saying.  I was in the ER for 2 visits during that week and now here we are for round 2.  So yesterday when they gave me the iv and whatnot I had my pity party and went on my way.  Here I sit writing and reflecting.......My mother in law just stopped by for a visit and I had just finished cleaning and vacuuming the first floor and had really worked myself in to a major fit cause with 6 young adults living in our home I would think some of them would see what needs to be done,    So as I'm all in a lather my God send came in and brought me joy and peace.  We talked, laughed, had lunch and talked and laughed some more.  She asked for a jar of Tom's BB pickles - so as I was climbing to reach them I knocked over a bottle of sparkling water and it, by the grace of God, didn't smash on to the cement floor, but starting spraying from the cap.  She picked it up and then didn't know what to do with it!!  We were laughing as she was walking around trying to figure out what to do with this "grenade"!  meanwhile it is spraying all over her face and body!!!! hahahahahaa!  she yells, Happy New Year!  It was so funny!  Then she shoots it into the dogs water bowl!  Well, I got the cap off and dumped the rest of the lemon sparkling water into the bowl and now the dogs are happy too!  We laughed and laughed and she wiped her face and then I got her a jar of the pickles and home she went.   God knew I needed this funny light hearted diversion and he sent the best person for the job!   My husband is so great cause his mother is so great.  I have been truly blessed.  thank you Jesus!  Another silver lining or two or three!!

God is Good.......spread the word :)

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